Would they go down a similar route of having dedicated episodes for each solo idol or would something change? As much as I liked how they handled individual character episodes before, it seems the show had some different ideas this time around. Given the nature of the first season, it was difficult to imagine where they were going to take the story.

It still maintains many of the core aspects people love about the franchise in being a charming and inspirational story with cute slice of life yet doesn’t resort to many of the stumbles its counterparts make and that’s what I feel makes it so special and unique. the same level of tearful or dramatic storytelling like its counterparts that older fans may look for, it makes up for it by doing its own thing and excelling at it. One might assume that certain familiar story beats would be prevalent within each version or that each series must follow a similar storyline but this is not always true. There are oftentimes certain expectations when it comes to each iteration of Love Live. It not only manages to capture everything that made its first season shine but also expands on its many themes and ideas all while continuing to set itself apart from the other entries of this franchise. In a display of happiness and enthusiasm, the second season of Love Live Nijigasaki is a welcome return for the series.